Now that summer in Wellington has fully arrived (March 2017), we are all happy to see the warmer weather is bringing out more of our members to play golf and use the facilities at Royal Wellington Golf Club.   This is great news and the entire staff is grateful to service the entire membership.   We are working hard for our members and moving towards a more structured “Service” delivery model and putting our members first.

With that said and all jokes aside about this strange weather year, we hear and understand the member’s comments about available tee times.   Especially on Saturdays and Sundays.  

I have detailed plans for our Policies & Procedures moving forward for managing our outside visitor play, handling our guests from Wellington hotels, control of the Cruise Ship patrons and welcoming our reciprocal club guests.  All of these can add significant and needed revenue to the Club, but also congestion issues and reduction of available tee times for the members and their preferred access.  This is obvious on the weekends. 

As we know, international travelers need to book all travel reservations well in advance, but moving forward in our operational plan, we will have more appropriate, managed and limited set times available for visitors that will reduce the impact on our members peak interest tee times and facility use.

We appreciate your continued support, patronage to the Club and for your understanding current situation.  This change will take some time to see the positive impact, with procedures from the past advance bookings, but know we are moving forward with a new system of bookings/reservations for visitors and their advance booking needs.

Thank you and we all look forward to seeing you more at Royal Wellington Golf Club.